/ Advice
Ethics advice is a difficult business, because a lot of the time you’re hiring someone to tell you things you don’t want to hear. It takes courage to undertake and honesty to deliver. When you engage my services, you need to know that my primary responsibility is to what’s right, and I assume yours is too. That means you need to be OK with feedback that gives priority to vulnerable stakeholders, the common good or matters of value and principle over business-as-usual, profit or politics.
Sound like you? Great! Read on.
I spent three years at The Ethics Centre working on major advisory projects and thought leadership. This included significant consulting pieces for Cricket Australia, federal government departments, military and policing groups and a bunch of ASX 200 listed companies.
These days I work one-on-one with a group of Australia’s senior leaders as the Program Director of the Vincent Fairfax Fellowship. We focus on the best ways to frame ethical challenges and projects to make sure they’re describing the problem properly and solving it in ways that don’t wind up doing more harm than good.
I’m also a member of the Ethics Advisory Committee for the NGA, and helped them develop their ethical framework.
I’ve given boardroom briefings on AI Ethics, reviewed complaints processes for government departments, advised tech companies on their design methodologies and read more values statements, codes of ethics and governance frameworks than I care to imagine!
I approach ethics advice with curiosity and compassion. My job is to help you to go deeper into the things you value and understand them more richly, investigate more widely into the effects of your activities to consider who could benefit or be harmed by them, scrutinise assumptions, beliefs and ordinary ways of operating more closely and embed practices, habits and stories that turn good intentions into meaningful action.
My preference is to build close relationships with a few organisations over one-and-done work. Ethical change takes time, and if you’re ready to do the work, I’m ready to help get you there.